On March 5th Lydia turned two years old. We cannot believe that she is already turning into such a little girl. It seems like we just brought her home from the hospital
(Oh wait, that was her brother). It is amazing how much she has changed from a little baby. It has been such a joy watching her grow and discover this world. Since it was her birthday, we did some of her favorite things.

In the morning we went to the park for a picnic and to play with some friends that were here for the annual Shepherds' Conference, a pastors conference held at Grace Community Church. We enjoyed some sweet fellowship and some very sweet treats.

After daddy returned home from work and the conference, we went to the library. Lydia loves the library because there are computers for children, learning toys and lots of children's books. The only thing that she doesn't quite understand is that you are supposed to be
quiet in the library. We then went home to celebrate her birthday with presents, pizza, and cupcakes. What a special day the Lord gave us and what a gift He gave us in Lydia.
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